Pre-Entrance Health and Immunization Requirements
To describe the required health and immunization requirements for all matriculated students entering NJIT for the first-time and re-entering students.
Scope of Policy:
This policy applies to all first year, transfer, and readmitted students, under the age of 31 admitted to NJIT at the undergraduate, graduate and doctoral levels.
In the interest of maintaining a safe campus community, all new first time, transfer, and returning/readmitted students must comply with New Jersey Institute of Technology's pre-entrance health requirements including the immunization requirements set forth by New Jersey Department of Health Administrative Code (N.J.A.C.) 8:57 6.1-6.21. In addition, students are required to complete the Tuberculosis (TB) and Meningococcal screening questionnaires, and take any necessary actions based on the results of the screenings.
Students are to submit documented evidence of having received the required immunizations and must also provide documented evidence that any required actions are taken if any question is answered ‘Yes” on either the TB or Meningococcal screening questionnaires.
A student shall be exempt from immunization requirements for medical or religious reasons, provided they meet the criteria set forth at N.J.A.C. 8.57-6.14 and 6.15, respectively. In addition, students in the following categories are automatically exempted:
- Students born before 1957 for the measles, mumps, and rubella (M.M.R.) vaccination requirements only; or
- Students enrolled in a program for which students do not congregate, on-campus or in an off-campus facility, whether for classes or to participate in institution-sponsored events, such as those enrolled in programs for individualized home study or conducted entirely via electronic media.
Returning/readmitted students who have submitted immunization records that have been previously validated by Health Services within the last 10 years, do not need to resubmit this information. The TB and Meningococcal Screening forms are required for students who were previously enrolled prior to September 2022.
- All health forms are to be electronically submitted to the student’s health record via the secured Medicat portal. The required documents are:
a. Immunization record or quantitative serological titers showing immunity.
b. TB Screening Questionnaire and documented evidence of action taken for any question answered as ‘Yes’(i.e. PPD skin test report, CXR, IGRA test).
c. Meningococcal Screening Questionnaire and documented evidence of action taken for any question answered as ‘Yes’(i.e. Proof of MenACWY vaccination or Meningitis B vaccination).
- The required immunizations are:
a. Measles/Mumps/Rubella (MMR): (2) doses of measles/mumps/rubella vaccination. Alternatively, a student may submit laboratory evidence (serologic titers) demonstrating immunity to measles, mumps, and rubella or documented evidence of having received 1 dose of measles, 1 dose of mumps, and one dose of rubella separately.
b. Hepatitis B: (3) doses required for students taking 12 or more credits. Alternatively, a student may submit laboratory evidence (serologic titers) demonstrating immunity.
c. Meningitis (MenACWY): (1) dose of the Meningitis vaccine at age 16 or later, is required for students 18 years of age or younger, 19 years of age and older who will reside in campus housing, and any student answering yes to any question on the Meningococcal Screening Form.
- The deadlines for submission of completed requirements are:
a. Fall semester – July 1
b. Spring semester – January 5
c. Summer semester – May 1
- Accepted forms of immunization documentation include any of the following:
a. The New Jersey Institute of Technology Immunization Record Form that is signed, dated and stamped by a healthcare provider; OR
b. An official immunization record from a healthcare provider office; OR
c. Official record from a previous school, state immunization database, military branch or employer; OR
d. Laboratory report showing immunity.
- Additional immunizations strongly recommended, but not required, include Covid-19, annual influenza vaccination, Tetanus, Human Papilloma Virus (HPV), Polio, Hepatitis A.
- Students who require a medical or religious exemption are to submit the appropriate documentation to their student health record via the secured Medicat portal
a. Medical Exemption – requires a letter from a licensed physician, physician assistant or nurse practitioner stating the medical contraindication to the specific vaccine. The letter must also state if the exemption is permanent or temporary. If temporary, the approximate date that the vaccination could be taken should be indicated. The letter must be signed and dated by the provider and be on official letterhead stationary.
b. Religious Exemption – requires a written statement, signed and dated by the student, or parent/legal guardian if student is a minor, explaining how vaccination conflicts with the student’s religious beliefs or practices. Objections to vaccinations based on grounds which are not religious in nature and which are of a philosophical, moral, or secular nature are not acceptable. Religious exemptions are to be submitted for review at the start of each school year.
c. The University shall keep the student’s medical or religious exemption documentation on file together with the student’s immunization record.
d. In the event of an outbreak or threatened outbreak of a vaccine-preventable disease, the University may temporarily exclude such students from participating in housing, classes, sporting events, or extracurricular activities on campus until such outbreak is over.
- Exemptions will be reviewed by the Campus Health Services staff and students will be notified via their NJIT email regarding the status of their request. If an exemption is denied, the reason for denial will be specified. The student will be provided the opportunity to provide additional information, or any missing documentation identified in the denial, for reconsideration.
- Students not in compliance with the requirements by the start of the entering semester will have a registration hold placed on their accounts for the following semester. The hold will be released once the requirements outlined above are met.
- Students who will reside in campus housing will not be permitted to move in until compliance with the requirements is met.
a. A temporary extension may be provided in certain circumstances and will be determined on an individual basis (ex. Unavailability of certain vaccines; students just beginning a vaccination series).
b. Students requesting an extension are to email health services ( stating the reason for the requested extension. Students will be notified via their NJIT email of the status of the request.
Campus Health Services Staff members, or designee, are responsible to review and validate all records. Students who are not in compliance or in cases where clarification is required related to documents submitted, will be contacted by a health service staff member.
Students are responsible to follow all pre-entrance health requirements as outlined in this policy. The director of health services is responsible to notify the office of residence life with the students who are to be restricted from moving in.
Immunization – A process by which a person becomes protected against a disease through vaccination. Often used interchangeably with vaccination or inoculation.
Immunization Record – A record showing all of the vaccines a person has received.
Meningococcal Screening Questionnaire – A series of questions used to determine the need for meningococcal vaccination.
Meningitis – Swelling of the protective membranes covering the brain and spinal cord.
Meningococcal disease – Any illness caused by the bacteria Neisseria meningitidis. These illnesses include infections of the brain, spinal cord, and bloodstream and they are often severe and can result in death.
MenACWY Vaccine – A vaccine that provides protection against bacterial meningitis and meningococcal disease caused by four groups of meningococcal bacteria.
Quantitative Serological Titer – A laboratory blood test that measures immunity to a given disease(s). This type of test provides a numerical value that shows the presence and level of antibodies in a blood sample and the actual degree of immunity to a disease.
Tuberculosis Screening Questionnaire – A series of questions used to determine risk of contracting tuberculosis and outline follow up actions required for those in a high-risk category.
Vaccination – The act of introducing a vaccine into the body to produce protection from a specific disease.
Related Information:
N.J. A.C 8:57 subchapter 6